Information about the examination


Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University

A summary of this information can be downloaded here.

The semifinal exam has two parts that you need to pass in this order:

  • theoretical part: an online exam about the topics of the lectures (lecture slides and audio recordings)
  • practical part: an oral exam (analysis of an ECG tracing and a lab question)

You get a lab question from the set you discussed with your tutor during the practicals.

You need to register to the exam in the Neptun system as usual. The online tests take place in the computer rooms (ground floor, near the elevators of the NET building). If you fail the online test (passing level is 60%) you cannot go on to the oral part, a failure gets registered in the Neptun system. If you pass the online test, you may go on to the oral part, and the result of the online part will contribute to your final mark that you get for the exam. There are many overlapping areas between the lecture and practical topics, so it is possible that you get a question at the oral part of the exam that was discussed at one of the lectures.

You can get a score of 1 maximum for every multiple choice questions in the online test. You get 1 point for the right answer in single selection questions. Multiple selections questions are a bit more complicated. It is possible that 1, 2, 3 or all 4 answers are correct out of the 4 answers given. The right answers may occur in any combination. In addition to 0 or 1 you may get a fraction of a point between 0 and 1 if you gave a partially correct answer to a multiple selection question. You get positive fractions of a point for good answers, but also negative fractions for the wrong answers. If you mark every answer to be right, you will get 0 points. You cannot get less than 0 points to any particular question (even if you mark only wrong answers).

The final exam will be similar to the semifinal, except in addition to the ECG tracing and lab question you will get a hematological case to evaluate as well.

Further information:

Utolsó módosítás: 2018.11.18 13:16